What To Know About Pellet Therapy


Discover the difference EliteBio can make in your life. Thousands of patients just like you have changed their life with pellet therapy.  Find out how — click to watch this short video or fill out the form and begin your journey to feeling your best now.


Are you ready to experience what life is like without all the fatigue, sleepless nights, and mood swings?  Get ready, your appointment is coming soon. Remember, pellet therapy is a quick procedure that requires no down time and offers results that our patients can’t stop talking about.

Take a look at the video below to prepare for your first visit, including what to expect at your first pellet insertion.

1 Day After Appointment


  • Do not soak in a bathtub, hot tub, or swim in a swimming pool for five days after insertion if you are male, and three days after insertion if you are female. These protocols will help prevent infection.

  • Avoid intense workouts for five days if you are male, and three days if you are female.

  • Avoid activities that may irritate the insertion site and cause extrusion, such as “but not limited” to horseback riding and mountain biking.

  • You have two bandages over the insertion site: the steri-strip which helps keep the wound sealed, and a gauze-like pressure bandage. The pressure bandage may be removed 24 hours after insertion.

Contact your provider immediately if you develop redness, tenderness, warmth, swelling, or oozing at the insertion site.

1 Day After Appointment (cont)


How can you prepare to maximize your results?  Hormone therapy outcomes are maximized when you are supported by balanced nutrition. Your provider may recommend a selection of dietary supplements designed to deliver key nutrients that can enhance your results.

  • ADK 10 works to improve cellular absorption of the hormones

  • Active ND 50 Probiotic supports a healthy gut to ensure effective hormone metabolism

  • HRT Complete (T & E) delivers key nutrients that sustain proper hormone metabolism and balance

Depending on your specific needs, your provider may recommend a few additional supplements to help you optimally achieve hormone balance.


Your follow-up lab appointment is approaching soon. This is a very exciting appointment–you won’t want to miss learning how your body is adapting to the therapy and seeing quantifiable results.

Remember to stay in contact with your provider and medical team. Your follow-up appointments are important for ensuring you are reaching optimized hormone levels for your body and feeling better.  If you do not have an appointment scheduled with your provider to review your follow-up labs, please contact our office to get scheduled.

21 Days After Appointment

Your follow-up lab appointment is approaching soon. This is a very exciting appointment–you won’t want to miss learning how your body is adapting to the therapy and seeing quantifiable results.

Remember to stay in contact with your provider and medical team. Your follow-up appointments are important for ensuring you are reaching optimized hormone levels for your body and feeling better.  If you do not have an appointment scheduled with your provider to review your follow-up labs, please contact our office to get scheduled.

90 Days After Appointment

Experience the Power of Pellet Therapy at Elite-Bio

Discover how Elite-Bio's advanced pellet therapy can transform your health by providing a consistent, long-term solution for hormone balance. This in-depth guide covers the benefits, process, and incredible results of our pellet therapy services, offering you a pathway to revitalized health and well-being.

What is Pellet Therapy?

Pellet therapy involves the implantation of bioidentical hormones in the form of tiny pellets under the skin, typically in the hip area. These pellets release small, physiologic doses of hormones consistently over the course of 3-6 months. Pellet therapy is one of the most natural ways to deliver hormones in both men and women as it mimics the body’s normal hormone levels more closely than conventional methods like pills, patches, or creams.

The Science Behind Pellet Therapy

The key to the success of pellet therapy lies in its ability to maintain consistent hormone levels in the bloodstream, avoiding the peaks and valleys commonly experienced with other forms of hormone replacement. By providing a steady stream of hormones directly into the bloodstream, pellet therapy can help the body regain balance and function optimally.

Why Choose Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those produced by the human body, making them a natural and effective option for hormone therapy. Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones are derived from natural plant sources and are designed to replicate the molecular structure of the hormones naturally found in the body. This compatibility minimizes side effects and maximizes the body’s ability to use these hormones effectively.

Comprehensive Benefits of Pellet Therapy

Pellet therapy offers a multitude of benefits that go beyond simple hormone replacement. These include:

  • Improved Energy and Vitality: Many patients report a significant boost in their overall energy levels, enabling them to enjoy daily activities without the usual fatigue.

  • Enhanced Mood Stability: Hormone imbalances can lead to mood swings and emotional distress. Pellet therapy helps stabilize mood by providing constant hormone levels.

  • Better Sleep Patterns: With balanced hormones, many patients find they sleep more soundly and feel more rested upon waking.

  • Increased Muscle Mass and Bone Density: Hormones play a critical role in maintaining muscle strength and bone health. Pellet therapy supports muscle maintenance and bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

  • Improved Libido and Sexual Performance: Restoring hormone balance often leads to enhanced libido and improved sexual health, which can strengthen personal relationships.

  • Sharper Mental Clarity: Hormonal balance is crucial for cognitive function. Patients often experience improvements in memory, focus, and problem-solving skills.

  • Overall Well-being and Longevity: By optimizing hormone levels, pellet therapy can contribute to a longer and healthier life, with reduced risk for many age-related illnesses.

The Pellet Therapy Process at Elite-Bio

Our pellet therapy process is meticulous and personalized:

  1. Initial Consultation: You will have a detailed consultation with our healthcare provider to discuss your symptoms, health history, and goals. This is an essential step to ensure pellet therapy is right for you.

  2. Blood Tests: Comprehensive blood testing is performed to assess your current hormone levels and other relevant health markers.

  3. Customized Pellet Formulation: Based on your test results and consultation, a custom pellet formulation is created specifically for your hormonal needs.

  4. Pellet Insertion: The pellet insertion is a quick, relatively painless procedure performed in our office. The pellets are inserted subcutaneously in the hip area through a small incision, which is then closed with a small bandage.

  5. Follow-Up and Adjustment: Post-procedure, you’ll be monitored through additional blood tests and follow-up visits to ensure optimal hormone levels. Adjustments to your pellet formulation may be made based on your response to the therapy.

Integrating Pellet Therapy into Your Health Regimen

Pellet therapy can be an integral part of a broader health and wellness regimen. At Elite-Bio, we often combine pellet therapy with nutritional advice, fitness programs, and other therapies to support overall health and maximize the benefits of hormone balance.

Why Elite-Bio is the Leader in Pellet Therapy

Choosing Elite-Bio for your pellet therapy means entrusting your health to a team of experts who are leaders in the field of hormone replacement therapy. Our medical professionals are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care, utilizing advanced techniques and technologies to ensure the best outcomes for our patients.

The Benefits of Pellet Therapy

Pellet therapy is gaining prominence as a superior form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), thanks to its numerous advantages over traditional methods like pills, patches, or creams. Here’s a closer look at the distinctive benefits pellet therapy offers:

Consistent Hormonal Levels

Unlike other forms of HRT that can create hormone levels that peak and trough, pellet therapy provides a steady stream of hormones over several months. This consistency helps to prevent the rollercoaster of symptoms often associated with fluctuating hormone levels, such as mood swings, sleep disturbances, and erratic energy levels. By mimicking the body’s natural rhythm, pellet therapy supports a more stable physiological state, fostering overall well-being.

Enhanced Convenience and Compliance

One of the most significant advantages of pellet therapy is its convenience. After a simple and quick in-office procedure, patients do not have to worry about daily or even weekly medication management. This set-it-and-forget-it approach not only simplifies their routine but also enhances compliance with the therapy, ensuring that patients receive uninterrupted benefits from consistent hormone levels.

Efficient Hormone Utilization

The subcutaneous administration of hormone pellets allows for a slow and steady absorption of hormones directly into the bloodstream. This method bypasses the liver, which can metabolize medications and reduce their effectiveness when taken orally. The direct entry into the bloodstream ensures that hormones are utilized more efficiently by the body’s receptors, which is crucial for optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Tailored to Individual Needs

Each pellet therapy plan is highly customized. Based on detailed lab tests and consultations, the hormonal formulation of the pellets is specifically tailored to meet the individual’s unique needs. This personalization is key to effectively addressing specific symptoms and achieving hormonal balance, which off-the-shelf HRT options might not provide.

How Pellet Therapy Works at Elite-Bio

At Elite-Bio, we employ a thorough and methodical approach to pellet therapy, designed to ensure each patient receives the most effective and personalized treatment possible. Here’s how we do it:

  1. Consultation and Evaluation: Every journey begins with a personal consultation, where our practitioners listen to your concerns, symptoms, and goals.

  2. Lab Testing: Comprehensive blood tests are conducted to accurately assess your hormone levels and other vital health markers.

  3. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on your unique profile and test results, we develop a customized treatment plan tailored just for you.

  4. Pellet Insertion: The hormone pellets are meticulously placed under the skin in a minor procedure that requires only local anesthesia and takes just a few minutes.

  5. Ongoing Monitoring: To ensure the pellets are performing as intended, we conduct regular follow-ups, including blood tests to monitor hormone levels and adjust the treatment as necessary.

Who Can Benefit from Pellet Therapy?

While pellet therapy is often associated with menopause or andropause, its benefits extend to a much broader demographic. Anyone experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance may be a candidate for pellet therapy. This includes younger adults facing issues like:

  • Chronic fatigue and low energy levels

  • Mood instability, including anxiety and depression

  • Insomnia and other sleep-related problems

  • Reduced sex drive and sexual dysfunction

  • Unexplained weight gain or muscle weakness

  • Difficulty concentrating or memory lapses

Real Success Stories from Elite-Bio

The true testament to the effectiveness of pellet therapy comes from our patients themselves. Our clinic has numerous success stories ranging from middle-aged women who have reclaimed their vitality post-menopause to younger individuals who have balanced their hormones and alleviated symptoms of hormonal deficiencies. These stories not only inspire but also highlight the transformative impact of tailored pellet therapy.

Why Elite-Bio is the Premier Choice for Pellet Therapy

Choosing Elite-Bio for your pellet therapy ensures that you receive care from a clinic that is at the forefront of hormonal health innovations. Our clinic is equipped with the latest medical technologies and staffed by experienced professionals who are deeply committed to patient care. Here’s why our patients trust us:

  • Cutting-edge Facilities: Our state-of-the-art clinic is designed to provide a comfortable and safe environment for all procedures.

  • Expert Medical Staff: Our team comprises highly skilled and empathetic professionals who specialize in hormone health and patient wellness.

  • Comprehensive Health Approach: We view each patient holistically, considering all aspects of their health and lifestyle in our treatment plans.

Conclusion: Begin Your Journey to Balanced Health

If you are experiencing the challenges of hormone imbalance, pellet therapy at Elite-Bio could be the solution you need to restore your health and enhance your quality of life. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and discover how personalized hormone replacement therapy can benefit you.

With this expanded detail, the content now provides a thorough exploration of pellet therapy’s benefits, the process at Elite-Bio, and how various individuals can benefit, making it a comprehensive resource for potential patienReferences:

  1. Harvard Health - Bioidentical Hormones for Menopause and Anti-aging: This article provides a scientific perspective on bioidentical hormones, discussing their use and effectiveness.

  2. Mayo Clinic - Menopause Hormone Therapy: This comprehensive resource explains various aspects of hormone therapy, including the benefits, potential side effects, and different forms of administration.


By now, it’s likely that you have enjoyed the benefits of pellet therapy–fewer symptoms, more energy, and better sleep. However, at this point, it’s not uncommon to notice a symptom or two flaring up again. That’s because it is time for your next insertion. Make sure your appointment for your next insertion is already scheduled to avoid returning to baseline levels.